Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Conjugating the French Verb Souffrir (to Suffer)
Conjugating the French Verb Souffrir (to Suffer) Souffrir (to suffer, to endure, to tolerate, to be in pain) is an irregular French -ir verb. Below are simple conjugations of the verb souffrir; the conjugation table does not include compound tenses, which consist of a form of the auxiliary verb avoir with the past participle souffert. Within irregular -ir verb conjugations, there are some patterns. Two groups exhibit similar characteristics and conjugation patterns. Then there is a final, large category of extremely irregular -ir verbs that follow no pattern. Souffrir IS AN IRREGULAR -IR- VERB Soufrir lies in the second group of irregular -ir verbs that display a pattern. The second group of verbs includes verbs like souffrir that all end in -frir or -vrir. These verbs, surprisingly, are all conjugated like regular -er verbs. Souffrir IS CONJUGATED LIKE VERBS ENDING IN -FRIR AND -VRIR All French verbs that end in -frir or -vrir are conjugated this way. They include: couvrir to covercueillir  to pickdà ©couvrir  to discoverentrouvrir to half-openouvrir  to openoffrir  to offerrecouvrir to recover, conceal rouvrir  to reopen EXPRESSIONS AND USAGE souffrir en silence to suffer in silenceSi tu avais souffert ce que jai souffert ! If youd suffered as much as I have !, if you had gone through what I have !Elle ne souffre pas dà ªtre critiquà ©e / quon la critique. She cant stand / take criticismTu souffres ?  Are you in pain ? Does it hurt ?souffrir de to suffer fromsouffrir des dents  to have trouble with ones teeth souffrir le martyr to suffer agoniesSon dos lui fait souffrir le martyre. He has terrible trouble with his back.faire souffrir quelquun  to make someone suffer  ne pas pouvoir souffrir quelquun to not be able to bear someoneJe ne peux souffrir cette idà ©e.  I cant bear the thoughtIl ne peut pas la souffrir.  He cant bear her.  souffrir inutilement to suffer needlessly souffrir financià ¨rement to suffer financially / to be in bad straits financiallyOà ¹ souffrez-vous ? Where is the pain ? / Where does it hurt ?Elle a beaucoup souffert lors de son accouchement. She had a very painful delivery. Il est mort sans souffrir. He felt no pain when he died.souffrir de la faim / soif  to suffer from hunger / thirstsouffrir de la chaleur to suffer from the heatsouffrir de (figurative): Sa renommà ©e a souffert du scandale. His reputation suffered from the scandal.dà »t ton amour-propre en souffrir  even though your pride may sufferLes rà ©coltes nont pas trop souffert. The crops didnt suffer too much / werent too badly damaged.Cest le sud du pays qui a le plus souffert. The southern part of the country was the hit the hardest.se souffrir (pronominal): Ils ne peuvent pas se souffrir. They cant stand / bear each other. Simple Conjugations of the Irregular French -ir Verb Soufrir Present Future Imperfect Present participle je souffre souffrirai souffrais souffrant tu souffres souffriras souffrais il souffre souffrira souffrait nous souffrons souffrirons souffrions vous souffrez souffrirez souffriez ils souffrent souffriront souffraient Pass compos Auxiliary verb avoir Past participle souffert Subjunctive Conditional Pass simple Imperfect subjunctive je souffre souffrirais souffris souffrisse tu souffres souffrirais souffris souffrisses il souffre souffrirait souffrit souffrt nous souffrions souffririons souffrmes souffrissions vous souffriez souffririez souffrtes souffrissiez ils souffrent souffriraient souffrirent souffrissent Imperative tu souffre nous souffrons vous souffrez
Friday, November 22, 2019
Scholarship Opportunities for Certified College Cheerleading Squads
Scholarship Opportunities for Certified College Cheerleading Squads Cheerleading Scholarship: What Is It and How to Get One? Cheerleading is not just fun, jumping all around, and making romances with the coolest guys in a college. It is also a kind of athletics, approved like serious sport in many high schools and universities. Some institutions offer advanced training programs to rise new talents and attract experienced cheerleaders to their teams. As a rule, these programs provide scholarships and an opportunity to get to the international championships. If you are willing to apply for such program and get additional money to pay for your education, prepare to work hard. Mind that a lot of other aspiring girls are looking forward to win a desirable scholarship and you will have to compete them. So, if you are ambitious enough to fight for your cheerleading scholarship, let’s see how you can achieve it. Getting a cheerleading scholarship: some key tips for you Show yourself in the best possible way Haven’t you start your training yet? Then do it right now! In addition to specialized cheerleading training, it would also be good for you to attend some gymnastic or dance classes or both of them. The more talented and physically prepared you are, the more people will appreciate you. As a result, there will be more chances to get a scholarship. Train your body and your brain Athletic abilities are not enough to get a cheerleading scholarship. First of all, you are applying to a college program, so the committee will pay attention to your marks, too.  Good academic results contribute greatly to the full rate of your chances. Be social Be an active participant in various communities. It will surely show your ability to work in a team, as well as your leadership. Choose the best option for yourself Make one hundred percent certain that a college or university you have chosen provides students with cheerleading deals and scholarships. It will be a shame to make a mistake in such a nuance. Prove your qualification and competitiveness The more cheerleading awards you have, the most likely you are to get a scholarship. As we have already mentioned, don`t forget about academic awards as well. Always have a B plan Unfortunately, not all students get their desirable scholarships. So, don`t let this fact spoil your plans on successful high education. Think about other ways to pay for your education and enjoy your college life even without cheerleading deal and finance help. A list of universities with cheerleading scholarships University of Hawaii All talented athletes do their best to become a student of this university, as it really welcomes gifted students and provides them with awesome cheerleading scholarships. The University of Hawaii offers not only cool environment with sunshine, beach and all that stuff, but beneficial financial cheerleading program annually. Fort Hays State University Located in Kansas, Fort Hays State University also offers scholarships for cheerleaders. $1,000 to each winner provided. Not bad, huh? University of Delaware This place is a real paradise for cheerleaders. The University of Delaware always attracts new athletes looking for a chance to get financial aid and training opportunities. Their Fightin’ Blue Hens Cheer Team is well-known throughout local areas. Besides performing at some university events, they also give concerts for charity and on some public events. Indiana Wesleyan University Indiana Wesleyan University provides all members of the school’s Red Cheer Team with a significant scholarship. Each hard-working, talented and active participant earns up to $1000. The competition is high, since only 15 candidates get cheerleading scholarship annually, but it is totally worth a try. If you feel confident in your cheerleading talent, have advanced skills and good results in academics, you really have a chance to create a college cheerleading squad and get a scholarship. So do your best and good luck!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Video response paper (writer's choice) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Video response paper (writer's choice) - Essay Example It also forms part of the growing films on border-crossing as much as the Mexican migration became a dominant cinematic theme for both the US and Mexico. (Maciel and Garcia-Acevedo, p. 148) To say this, however, is tantamount to merely scratching the surface. The Syrian Bride is more than its obvious storyline. It is peppered with important themes and social issues that permeate in Israel today as well as its relations with its neighboring Arab countries. Plot The film depicted the story of Mona (Clara Khoury), a Druze woman living in Golan Heights, who in an arranged marriage, must travel to meet his groom, Tallel (Derar Sliman), in Syria. Everything was pretty straightforward, starting from the wedding festivities unto the wedding itself, which would take place at the border. Mona had to bid her family farewell and cross the border. It is at this point, however, wherein the story took an interesting turn. Israel and Syria do not maintain any diplomatic relations. In addition, both countries are claiming Golan Heights. Ebert (2006), in his review, expressed the dilemma in word best as he stated that Mona’s problem â€Å"is that Syria considers her to be already in Syria, and Israel considers her to be in Israel†and â€Å"how can she cross from a place one side says does not exist to a place the other side says does not exist?†The bureaucratic tangle was further complicated by the fact that Syria does not recognize Israeli passport, effectively barring Mona from entering the country. The entire caper was already comedic as the protagonist and the Salman family untangle their way to their destination. Symbolism Writing for the New York Times, Stephen Holden (2005) remarked that The Syrian Bride and its depiction of the impenetrable border symbolized all that’s wrong in the Middle East. This wrongness in bordered the ridiculous as complex norms and procedures applied at either side of the border defy logic, understanding and implemen tation. As has been shown by the film, everything was in fact insane. There are vague and conflicting security and political considerations resulting in a solid deadlock to which an Israeli border patrol officer could merely shrug in sympathy and perhaps in his own confusion as well. The entire caper disputed the opening claim of sadness for the whole film, making the film, in itself, hilarious with ridiculousness of Mona’s situation. The politics and the bureaucracy involved in the border defy reason and can actually victimize even the most fundamental and innocent needs and desires of people affected. In most respects, this situation is the same with the way relations between Israel and its neighboring countries are conducted – enforcing ridiculous legal norms and violating human rights in the process, just so security and political considerations could be satisfied. Apolitical More than anything, the film does not have a political agenda. It did not talk about which side of the fence – Israel or Syria – is correct, much less attack policymaking that would pit the two countries or their positions on several issues against each other. There was no suggestion of peace and/or some outright diplomatic resolution to the strained bi-partisan relationship or something to this effect. If there was some politics involved, it was, in the words of Ebert, just nibbling around the edges, â€Å"
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Industrial uses for hemp Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Industrial uses for hemp - Research Paper Example Due to this reason, hemp cultivation has been banned by the federal law in the United States, with China being the largest legal cultivator of hemp for industrial use. This, surprisingly, is a great loss as hemp has great industrial uses. Hemp is used to make about 25000 different products. Apart from the traditional uses in well-known products like rope, twine, nets, canvas bags and carpets, the fiber from the hemp plant can also be used in the production of textiles for apparel, diapers, sheets, towels, tents, drapes, knapsacks and shoes. Surprisingly enough, the first Levi's jeans were made out of hemp fibers and were stronger and possessed better quality. Hemp oil possesses the property of oxidizing as soon as it comes in contact with direct air, and if not stored properly, can become rancid. The proper way of storing the oil is to place it in a dark glass bottle and refrigerate or freeze. Due to this quality, hemp oil is used in manufacturing oil-based paints. They help the pain t to quickly dry out and yet have an oily/wet effect when sealed open. Linseed oil possesses the same quality and is used in the paint industry as a substitute. Hemp oil is also a great moisturizer, and is thus used in the production of moisturizing creams and is used in the cosmetic industry to make creams, lipsticks, foundations, mascaras etc. Its healing and inflammatory properties trigger its use in the production of lip balms and freckle, anti-blemish creams for facial purposes. Hemp is also used to create ropes of varying strengths. Hemp, in its natural form, appears very similar to the linen cloth. Its twigs are braided together to make ropes. The strengths of the ropes can be varied by changing proportions of the organic fibers being used in making the rope. Hemp happens to be a strong fiber and thus as its proportion is increased, the rope gains more strength. Hemp is also used to manufacture cloth, blending it with other fibers to like cotton and silk to add strength to th e cloth and give it a more ever lasting effect. Hemp, in its neat form, with very little addition of other organic fibers, is used to make everlasting fabric, making it strong and difficult to tear apart. Hemp seeds are an essential for the animal/bird feed industry. According to a survey in 2003, it was discovered that more than 95% of hemps sold in the entire European Union is used as animal or bird feed. Hemp seed is also used by pharmaceuticals as it has anti-inflammatory properties. Its use dates back to the third millennium BC, where hemp was used as a healer to accelerate the healing of all kinds of burns; injuries from the use of fire or lifting hot sum and substance, strong sun burns due to excessive exposure to the sun, etc. It was also used to treat rheumatism, ulcers, asthma, insomnia, migraine and other health problems. Hemp also possesses high nutritional value, and includes high amounts of dietary fiber, calcium and iron. Another unique property of the plant is that i t does not trigger any kind of allergies. Hemp oil can also be used as a supplement to those who are under-nutritioned, relieving symptoms of eczema and the seed contains a high content of omega-3. Surprisingly enough, hemp is also used to make building material, for instance, concrete-like blocks made out of hemp and lime are used as insulators in buildings. Very recently, The Renewable House in the UK, was made using hemp-based materials. Hemp also has the ability to be used as fuel.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Computer Science Essay Example for Free
Computer Science Essay â€Å"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful†. My academic performance has been consistently above average, which was duly recognized by the College when I was presented the Good Result for my performance in the PUC. My Pre University(PU) course played a key role in laying a Accounting which enabled me to develop a puc courses oriented outlook and encouraged me to pursue Undergraduate education. I stressed on acquiring basic knowledge during my Pre University (PU) studies to strengthen my belief that a concrete foundation is essential for a prosperous career. I yearned to equip myself with cutting edge Business and Accounting concept in order to deal with enormous and multifaceted growth Business and Accounting. The mercurial growth in the communications has been fascinating me right from my pre university days. I always found it very interesting to untangle the complex web of communications, fiber optics. A career in communication is something that, I have always dreamt of. As it absolutely necessary for everyone to be acquainted with computers, I have earned the knowledge of ‘C’ and ‘C++’. My field of interest lies in communication, fiber optics. Though right now I am applying for the Undergraduate program, I would like to continue my study in this field to attain my goal in your esteemed university. In college, I have given seminars in my class on various topics. This experience convinced me that I have good communication skills. I have participated in youth festivals and college fetes which have enhanced my ability to effectively get into a team, but at the same time retain individuality. With this ambition I am confident that my academic capability and analytical skills coupled with my perseverance and single minded devotion will see me through to this goal. Given a chance, I am confident that my potential will be reflected in my Undergraduate studies and I will live up to high standards of your Undergraduate program. I am really interested in Chester University as it is one of the renowned Universities in UK. It offers excellent programmes bridging the gap between theory and practice. The opinion of its learned faculty on wide ranging topics is sought globally. Strong links and regular interaction with industry and business enables it to offer teaching latest global trends and needs. So I believe the confidence and exposure which I would acquire from my education in UK will help me to be more successful in today’s business world. Its simulating environment will provide me ample scope for over all developments and bring out the best in me.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Impact of African American Roles on Television :: essays research papers
The image of African Americans has been greatly depreciated by the roles they play on television sitcoms. On these shows African Americans are depicted as being maids, clowns, and buffoons. This misrepresentation of African Americans has become common place through out the media. One of the most controversial sitcoms was the Amos ‘n Andy Show. This sitcom included two black comedic men and began the creation of the African American stereotypes that most people have grown accustom to today. The Amos ‘n Andy Show began as a radio show with two white men portraying two black comedic men. When the show transferred to television, it consisted of the two black men portraying the two black comedic dummies. They were still performing the slapstick comedy as they did on the radio show, but to be able to see them visually had a greater effect. The roles that the two black men played are the typical roles that blacks play in television networks. The shows portraying blacks as having low self-esteem became very popular among whites and some blacks. The Amos ‘n Andy Show was taken off air after being protested by blacks including the NAACP (Poussaint 1). The Amos ‘n Andy Show Godfrey 2 had a profound effect on blacks. From that point on, blacks believed that in order to be successful in the television network they had to portray themselves as being idiotic and lazy. Stereotypes such as this have been continuously developing in the television network even today. The modernized images played by blacks are drunks, thugs, thieves, gangsters, and other characters that are inferior to whites. By creating these images of blacks, it has caused both blacks and whites to see African Americans as being ignorant and believing that is the only way that they should act. Television networks depict whites as the typical families with no problems, and blacks as the single parents with a long list of problems. The impact of those roles had a great effect on how the African American race, young and old conceive their selves. Even today, there are very few African American business people. These racist stereotypes has conformed their minds into thinking that less is best. Young African American children watch these televisions shows that portray blacks as being thugs and uneducated. Those children go through school acting that same way, getting into trouble, and ma king nothing of their selves.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Autonomous Cars Essay
Imagine a world where you can get in your car without the worry of driving alongside drunks and teenagers. The once fictional dream of riding a driverless car is now becoming a reality, with many large companies including Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, BMW, Audi, and Google, currently investing in the development of this contraption. What is a driverless (or autonomous) car? It is an automobile run by an autopilot that allows passengers to travel safely and quickly to their destination with minimal to no human control. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) predicts that by the year 2040, our roads will be populated with autonomous vehicles, with up to 75% of all cars being driverless (Newcomb, 2012). As human civilization advances technologically on a daily basis, we are becoming less dependent on people and more dependent on robots, which many view as positive. Self-driving cars are a step in the right direction for society, and ought to become available to the public as soon as possible for a more efficient and secure driving experience. The primary concern with transportation is safety; hence the most obvious and largest benefit to the replacement of regular cars with self-driving cars is the decrease in traffic collisions. â€Å"Ninety percent of our road accidents are related to bad driving behavior; driving recklessly and speeding under the influence of alcohol, changing lanes without signaling, driving on the hard shoulder and passing through red lights.†-Lt Gen Dahi Khalfan Commander in chief of the Dubai Police (Olarte, 2011). The majority of car crashes are caused by human errors, and if this proposition is implemented, the number of fatalities due to car accidents per year will dramatically plummet. In 2012, a Google driverless car had driven over 300,000 miles, with only two accidents being reported, both of which had been a human’s fault (Ermson, 2012). Autonomous cars will have quicker reflexes than humans, make more reliable judgments and will not commit silly mistakes such as texting whil st driving. As a collateral for reducing accidents, this innovation could theoretically also save the government trillions of dollars each year. A major issue for drivers today is congestion. Picture Sheikh Zayed road at 6 AM on a weekday. When a car brakes, the driver behind takes a couple of seconds to react and stop. Now this goes on and on, causing heavy traffic and wasting everyone’s irreplaceable time. Autonomous cars are expected to have a completely revamped traffic system, one lacking traffic lights and stop signs. Vehicles will be capable of communicating with each other by transferring crucial information via sensors, allowing them to predict their expected positions, minimizing the spaces between them. With the small distances between cars and the non-stop flow of traffic, a substantial amount of time will be saved during trips and congestion will be considerably alleviated. Another burden to be lifted off of society’s shoulders is the expense of owning a car. A new public transport system that operates entirely on driverless cars could be put into service. Hence possessing your own personal autonomous vehicle will be unnecessary and costly because the time wasted in a parking spot could be utilized to transport other individuals, and a subscription to a public transport system is a much cheaper alternative. Autonomous vehicles will also save owners insurance money because as the rate of incidents drops, vehicle insurance will be viewed as optional rather than obligatory. In addition, this innovation will save the costumer fuel money by reducing the frequency of braking and acceleration, which has an adverse effect on fuel consumption. As expected with a very technologically advanced piece of machinery, when autonomous cars first hit the market they will not be affordable for everyone. But given enough time, the prices will go down and self-driving cars will slowly but surely replace regular cars. A while after the integration of this technology into our daily lives, there will be an inevitable loss of driving related jobs. But as the s aying goes, when one door closes another opens, and these robots aren’t going to build themselves. The immediate effect will undoubtedly lead to a loss of jobs, but with the success of the production, in the long term new jobs will appear and consequently completely fresh industries as well. With this huge development in electronics, admittedly garage mechanics and taxi drivers might struggle with income, but software engineers and programmers are going to be in demand more than ever, and thus economic balance is restored. Now I know what you’re thinking, isn’t that unjust to those who are unable of attaining academic degrees? At first, maybe. But I believe that given enough time, the criteria required for intelligence and information based jobs will become less constricted. This is because the advances in software programming and other similar areas of expertise will make related jobs uncomplicated. There are countless examples of such occurrences in history, a notable one being the industrial revolution. Just like today, people back then were also worried about losing their occupations to machinery. But the introduction of steam engines and the replacement of physical labor with machine work pushed farmers towards other professions that were themselves created by the new technology, and thus there was an unprecedented blossoming in the economy. All the benefits I have mentioned, the unparalleled road safety, the smooth and quick ride, the low expenses and many more outweigh the very scarce negatives. Self-driving cars will revolutionize the auto-industry and will be a turning point in our lives. Soon enough driver licenses will cease to exist, and elderly people, children, and handicapped persons will no longer struggle with land transportation. The Earth Institute of Columbia University predicts a cutback in the number of cars on the road in the US by a factor of 10 (Burns, Jordan & Scarborough, 2013). Four states in the US have already authorized the use of autonomous vehicles (Kelly, 2012), and for the good of all, I believe the rest of the world should follow suit. â€Å"What can we do to create shared prosperity? The answer is not to try to slow down technology. Instead of racing against the machine, we need to learn to race with the machine †(Brynjolfsson, 2013). References Brynjolfsson, E. (Performer) (2013). Eric brynjolfsson: The key to growth? race with the machines [Theater]. Available from http://www.ted.com/talks/erik_brynjolfsson_the_key_to_growth_race_em_with_em_the_ machines?quote=2137 Burns, L. D., Jordan, W. C., & Scarborough, B. A. (2013). Transforming personal mobility. Manuscript submitted for publication, The Earth Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY, Retrieved from http://sustainablemobility.ei.columbia.edu/files/2012/12/Transforming-Personal- Mobility-Jan-27-20132.pdf Ermson, C. (2012, August 7). Retrieved from http://googleblog.blogspot.ae/2012/08/the-self- driving-car-logs-more-miles-on.html Kelly , H. (2012, October 30). Self-driving cars now legal in California. CNN. Retrieved from http://edition.cnn.com/2012/09/25/tech/innovation/self-driving-car-california/index.html Olarte, O. (2011, April). Human error accounts for 90% of road accidents. Alertdriving, Retrieved from http://www.alertdriving.com/home/fleet-alert-magazine/international/human-error-accounts-90-road-accidents Newcomb, D. (2012, September 18). You won’t need a driver’s license by 2040. CNN. Retrieved from http://edition.cnn.com/2012/09/18/tech/innovation/ieee-2040-cars/
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Editing Within Digital Filmmaking Essay
Lori Landay elucidates that in the present age of digital transformations, communications and storytelling, the saying of McLuhan that â€Å"the medium is the message†can be further said that the media is the mix. Digital forms of narrative are not only characterized by their mixed, hybrid forms and content, but by their recombinations. It is used to draw the spectator into the mix in many different ways. It is through the mixing of the different degrees of non-linearity and interactivity that digital narratives are able to form different kinds of digital spectatorship. She looks at three films and states that in different yet interconnected ways, these ways can tend to divert the spectator from the traditional ways of finding meaning to one’s narrative. Different modes are able to elicit different ways of storytelling and fresh ways of looking, thereby, editing scenes in the process. Source 2: Tsai, Tabitha and Czarnecki, Kelly . Digital filmmaking for the 21st century. Library Journal, 2/1/2008. Machinima Goes Mainstream. Article Retrieved June 9, 2008 http://journal. media-culture. org. au/0104/trans. php Machinima is a filmmaking genre that is used in order to shape video for the 21st century. It is a new term that is coined from the words machine and cinema and is a genre of filmmaking that was originally conceived by gamers in the 1990s. During the past years, machinima has gone more mainstream and creativity has been maximized to the limits. Machinima is filmmaking that is done within a real-time, 3-D kind of environment. Basically, machinima uses real-world filmmaking techniques within an interactive virtual environment where characters and events are controlled by humans, scripts, or artificial intelligence. The video games are the ones that provide the settings, props, costumes, and characters which are needed to be able to tell an original story. Filmmakers are able to capture actual footage as MTV Central and video games like Sims 2 have in-game recording options which help the filmmakers to capture footage. For this to be accessed, there is a need for a screen capture software program in order to import game environments where there are no built-in machinima tools. Remixing audio and video content is also among the newer gadgets available among budding machinimists. Source 3: Theodosakis, Nikos. How Digital Filmmaking Develops Higher-Order Thinking Skills. Article Retrieved June 9, 2008 at: http://www. vste. org/publications/journal/attach/vj_1602/vj_1602_08. pdf This article posits that in the classroom, the process of filmmaking entails that students must be able to imagine what they will need in order to come up with a movie. They need to develop a strategy that involves managerial skills such as planning, production and editing where they will start gathering a logical series of events. The author logical lays out what is entailed in the planning stage emphasizing that feature films are rarely shot in a sequential order in order to save time, money and effort. As part of editing, the scenes are grouped according to location or actors or even according to equipment availability. Analytical skills must also be present to a large measure so that during the editing process, one can see multiple takes of the same shots and multiple shots of the same scene and then decide which information best illustrates the message being set forth (Theodosakis). The author wants to point out that the goal of filmmaking in the classroom must be executed so that students will be able to experience these skills in preparation for the future use in their own worlds beyond the classroom.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
finn essays
finn essays Throughout the pages of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck fights with two distinct voices. One is siding with popular opinion, saying Huck should turn Jim in, and the other is realizing the wrong in turning his friend in, not viewing Jim as a slave. Twain wants the reader to see the moral difficulty Huck is going through, and what slavery can do to a person who is pure like Huck. Huck does not think about Jims impending freedom until Jim himself starts to get excited about the idea. Hucks first objection to Jim is gaining his freedom, when Huck says, Well, I can tell you it made me all over trembly and feverish, too, to hear him, because I begun to get it through my head that he was most free-and who was to blame for it? Why, me. I could get that out of my consciounce, no how nor no way. I think that that was the popular opinion not his own. Huck did not realize at this point that he was just falling other peoples values at this time. Huck totally misunderstood slavery. Huck does not treat Jim like a slave when they traveled together, Huck treated Jim as a friend. Huck saw having a slave only as owning the person. Not actually being a slave to someone. Therefore, when he helps Jim runaway it would be like stealing. His conscience is telling him that Miss Watson, Jims master, never did anything wrong to him and that he shouldnt be doing anything wrong to her by helping Jim escape. Miss Watsons view is totally different from than Hucks perspective. Huck always disliked Miss Watson, but now that this society voice plays a part in Hucks judgment his views are changed. Societys view allows Huck to see Jim, a friend, only as a slave and Miss Watson, almost a foe in his young views, as a dear friend. Twain is showing the reader the injustices of slavery in this little story, as well as his moral opinion to slavery...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Christmas Carol Vocabulary Study List
A Christmas Carol Vocabulary Study List In his popular story, A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens uses the musical term stave to indicate the chapters. Dickens was known, on occasion, to use clever terms to describe the sections of his books. For example, in The Cricket on the Hearth, he calls the chapters chirps. To modern readers, stave might not be the only unfamiliar term in A Christmas Carol. You can refer to the following list of terms, separated by chapter, to help understand the text and grow your vocabulary. Some of the words may be familiar, but others are no longer in common usage. Stave One: Marleys Ghost Dickens begins his novella by introducing the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge, his poor clerk Bob Cratchit, and the ghost of Scrooges late partner, Jacob Marley. The ghost tells Scrooge he will be visited by three spirits during the night. Ironmongery - a store that sells iron works Unhallowed - something unholyResiduary - the person entitled to the remainder of an estateRamparts - anything that acts as a barricade barricade Entreaty - a sincere requestTrifle - something of little valuePhantoms - spirits or illusionsIntimation - a suggestionMorose - a bleak outlook or attitude Impropriety - something improper or inappropriate Resolute - a determined outlook Homage - to pay public respect or honor somethingOminous - to give an impression of doom or imply bad things will happenFacetious - to treat something serious with a deliberate lack of careBrazier - a portable heater that uses lighted coalsSolitude - to be aloneMisanthropic - disliking people in general and having an anti-social bad attitudeGarret - a room just under the roof of a house thats usually very small Congenial - a pleasant or friendly personalityPhenomenon - a fact or situation which is unexplainedIrresolution - to be uncertainTran sparent - something that is see-through or fully explained Caustic - bitter sarcasm Waggish - playful or mischievous humorSpectre - ghost or vision Remorse - to deeply regret somethingBenevolence - well-meaning and kindApparition - a ghost or other human-like spirit Dirge - a funeral song Stave Two: The First of the Three Spirits The first spirit to visit Scrooge is the Ghost of Christmas Past, who shows him scenes from his lonely childhood and a broken engagement to a lovely young woman because of his greed. Opaque - something that is unclearPreposterous - absurd or ridiculousPerplexed - confused Endeavored - tried hard to achieve Recumbent - something laying downFluctuated - to irregularly rise and fallSupplication - earnest beggingVestige - a small trace of something that is no longer hereExtraordinary - something unusualCondescension - an attitude of disdainful superiorityCelestial - part of the heavensTerrestrial - relating to the EarthAgitation - nervous excitement Avarice - extreme greedTumultuous - a confused excitement Uproarious - provoking a loud sound or laughterBrigands - a member of a gang of thieves Boisterous - a noisy or energetic crowd or a loud stormOnslaught - a fierce attackDespoil - to steal violentlyIrrepressible - uncontrollableHaggard - looking exhaustedIrresistible - unable to resist Stave Three: The Second of the Three Spirits Ghost of Christmas Present visits Scrooge and shows him the happy holiday scenes in his town, including in the home of his clerk, Bob Cratchit. Despite being poor and having a crippled son (Tiny Tim), Cratchit and his family rejoice in the holiday spirit. Apprehensive - hesitant or fearfulSpontaneous - performed on impulseCombustion - burningConsolation - comfort after a disappointmentPredicament - a difficult situationCapacious - roomy Artifice - a clever device to trick someoneScabbard - a sheath for a weaponJovial - happy and friendly Parapets - a low protective wallApoplectic - to be overcome with angerOpulence - to show extreme wealth Demurely - to do with modesty Conspicuous - to stand outHeresy - a belief that goes against the teachings of the Christian churchPenitence - showing sorrow or regretRebuke - sharp disapprovalOdious - extremely repulsive Stave Four: The Last of the Spirits The final spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, is a silent, dark figure, who shows Scrooge a dismal future and death of a greedy man who turns out to be Scrooge. His clerk, meanwhile, grieves the loss of his young son. Terrified, Scrooge begs the spirit for mercy and promises to change his life. Shroud - a burial wrappingPendulous - loosely hanging downExcrescence - an unpleasant addition Latent - hidden or dormantResolution - a firm choice not to do somethingSlipshod - carelessCesspools - a storage unit for liquid waste Stave Five: The End of It Scrooge wakes up with a new, joyful outlook on life, grateful for a second chance. He surprises everyone with his cheerful greetings. He donates money to the poor, sends a turkey to the Cratchit home, and attends his nephews Christmas party. He further shocks the Cratchits by giving Bob a substantial raise and acting as a second father to Tiny Tim. Extravagance - a lack of restraint in spending wealthIllustrious - well known or respectedArray - a range of a type of thingFeign - to pretend to be affected by somethingMalady - an illness
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Dinner in the Sky. Export in Pakistan from the UK Essay
Dinner in the Sky. Export in Pakistan from the UK - Essay Example Dinner in the Sky currently operates in about more than 15 countries (Dinnerinthesky.com, 2010). This report presents an opportunity to launch the service in Pakistan which appears to be a lucrative market. Pakistan is a growing economy as it will be shown through facts and figures mentioned in the report. The 12 C Framework on international business is also analyzed briefly for brevity purposes. In this, all the possible aspects of launching an international venture are discussed such as: external factors like cultural, political and economic factors which may negatively or favorably affect the business, along with the marketing communication adopted to promote the venture and competitive analysis over Dinner in the Sky’s advantage of its idea over its competition. ... Restaurants in Karachi are predominantly filled with customers and with waiting lines on weekends. Currently, the market is untapped as this will be totally a new attraction for the people of Karachi. As Dinner in the Sky is a Belgium based franchise, some property will have to be purchased/leased in Pakistan to gain the first mover advantage. The franchisee in Pakistan will be the owner of Dinner in the Sky in the UK and will purchase the property in Pakistan as a corporate entity or as an individual under business interest according to International Law (Mehdi, 2001). 3 Methodology: The methods of research used for this report was secondary data obtained from the Government of Pakistan’s regulatory bodies, in the form of reports, industry insights etc. The data is authenticated by the Government of Pakistan itself. Besides this, specifics of the restaurant industry were also studied and analyzed throughout the course of this report to gauge the prospects of launching Dinner in the Sky in Pakistan. 3.1 Market Segmentation: Dinner in the Sky will be aimed towards Social Economic Class A+, A, B+ and B. This consists of about 10% of the population of the city Karachi who belong to the SEC A and B (Saqib, 2007). The brand will be positioned as a premium brand and as a value leader in the restaurant industry. 3.2 The 12 C’s Framework: 3.2.1 Country Pakistan has a growing middle class which leaves it a lucrative market for lifestyle products/brands. The country registers a GDP of approximately $180 billion with per capita income of $2,000 (State Bank of Pakistan, 2011). On the negative side however, the economy is faced with a high inflation rate. This is damaging as it slows down economic growth. The country currently stands at 2%. This is 2%
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